Tuesday, March 21, 2006

ok here goes an experiment I hope will be successful..to say the least.There is so much to say and so few pointers. I guess it is nice to wade through uncharted territory. A little frightening, very exciting and wholly satisfying.
I can't even pretend to be bored by this phenomenon. I am not ashamed to admit that i am technically challenged...anyone who knows me knows that. So it's exciting to hop onto the blogging bandwagon and just have fun. that's what life isabout ....having fun. All the time and every second. To just ride on the happiness that seems to pull you along with it and take you to places you never dreamed of knowing. At times like this, the world is at your feet and i feel like Alladin on his first magic carpet ride. A whole new world it is and i intend to keep exploring.


smoke said...

{insert cheap dracula imitation voice} Velcom... velcom... I've been expecting you.... Mwahahahaha {/end voice}

YAY! Throw a party, here's one more blog to read. You shall be added to the all famous amd most renowned (read: pathetically empty) Dain Bramaged blog of yours truly (me, DUH!)

Koh-nkra-choo-lations, dear friend! Scribble away :D

Namrata said...

thanks git ...much obliged