Thursday, March 23, 2006

It's midnight. Or rather midnight has passed on and the first phase of the day has already started. Its is rather funny to say day when the view outside consists of darkness and more darkness punctuated by pinpoints of flickering light; the last bastions of humanity in a world going slowly but surely insane. This is reminiscent of a scene from Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand where Galt stops the motor of the world and all that lights go out except for one constant flame that is Wyatt's torch waving in the distance. There is a curious mix of anticipation and dread that courses through me at this point in time. I have never stayed awake this late. It feels strange and not a little bit exciting; a bit like sneaking out of hostel to take a walk to Cave rock just so that you can slip past the watchman. Except here there is no one to outwit and no one to cock a snook at. That does make the entire exercise a little disappointing. Funny how the mind seems to insist on reasoning out the consequences of such adventures. I have class tomorrow...So what? It isn't as if I will be doing much there anyway. The year has come to an end and which self respecting student will want to study when you know holidays are just around the corner. I am a self respecting student and no, I don't want to go to college tomorrow i.e. today.
I also detest having to stick to deadlines as a friend of mine would cheerfully attest to. I wonder what my journalist pal has to say about this. Maybe he hates deadlines too...Who knows! Deadlines are the punctuations that liberally checker my student career and have always spelt doom for me.I have either lost my drafts or placed them somewhere so carefully that i have forgotten where exactly i kept them in the first place. Or else I just take the easy way out and not to do it at all. That, in my opinion, is the easiest and hardest way to get out of assignments and tamper with deadlines.


Abhinav said...

Really nice! Very poetic... I must say I like the late night/early morning feeling too... There's something forbidden about it, isn't there? (Or maybe that's just cos I've just stumbled home and trying not to wake up my dad) But you do feel this sense of recklessness, that who-cares-about-tomorrow-ness that is so essential to facing the day... don't u think?

Namrata said...

absolutely!!! I have never had so much fun as i did all the times i have been out way past curfew time. Just the sheer recklessness of it is exhilarating. Would your dad have killed you if you got home late? reminds me Of the time i heard you called mathi Manasi trying to explain to your dad where you were at some odd hour of the night.Hilarious!!And yeah that sense of daredevilry is absolutely essential to kill all the people who try and deny you your morning coffee.